IFI designs and conducts training courses for the operation and maintenance of precipitators and bag-houses. We can also tailor a course to suit any client needs. The purposes served by these training courses are multi fold.

  • Firm up the basics.
  • Understand the intricacies.
  • Discuss & trash out the problems.
  • Improve reliability.
  • Create a trained workforce at the plant level itself to reduce operational costs by having your own in-house consultants
  • Equip the user with all the necessary and essential tools to achieve target performance.
  • Explain troubleshooting related procedures.
  • Make the user aware of quality replacement parts.
  • Bring transparency in issues related to maintenance and upgrades of APC equipment.
  • Give the customer an update of the latest trends, advancements and technological options available.
  • Inculcate the “power of partnership”
© 2021 IFI designed by Amogh Arts